You may have approved a customer, only to realize that their DBA isn't correct and you want to update it.
As you have a legally binding contract with your customer when they submit their account application and you approve it, you are not able to edit the Doing Business As (DBA) name without resubmitting the account application with the updated details.
If you would like to change the DBA you can put the Customer back to Draft and then use the (…) More Actions -> Edit -> update the DBA and then complete the account application.
Put the Customer back to Draft
Use the (…) More Actions -> Edit
Edit the Doing Business As (DBA) name and then click Next through to the end to complete the account application and Submit. You will then need to Approve the customer again.
Please note your customer will receive the account application emails again.
Alternatively, if you are happy to keep the details in Pencil the same, but you want to update the customer's name in Cin7, Xero/QBO, then the fastest way is to edit the old name "<Customer Trading Name>" in Cin7/Xero/QBO to the DBA you want.
Then wait for the the data to sing from Cin7/Xero/QBO to Pencil under "Linked Customer".