You may have approved a customer, only to realize that their Trading Name isn't correct and you want to update it.
You are not able to edit the Trading Name as the customer has signed a legally binding contract.
If you would like to change the Trading Name it will need to be the same that is legally registered with ASIC and the ABR.
To do this you can put the Customer back to Draft and then use the (…) More Actions → Edit → click the SEARCH button to select the other Trading Name and then complete the account application.
Put the Customer back to Draft
Use the (…) More Actions → Edit
Click the SEARCH button to select the other Trading Name and then complete the account application.
Alternatively, the fastest way is to edit the old name "<Customer Trading Name>" in Cin7/Xero to “<Customer Trading Name> - Old” and then you can use the (…) More Actions → Add to Integrations for the new customer and it will sync through.