How do edit the description my customer sees in their credit card and bank statement?

To make it easier for your customer to know what the description is and who it is from, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log into your PencilPay account.
  2. Go to Settings -> Invoices & Collections.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to "Credit Card/Bank Statement Description".
  4. Here you can set the description that you wish to be shown on your customers' bank statement for payments processed through the Pencil Platform. This description has two parts: Trading name prefix (prefix) and last digits of Invoice number (digits) - "{prefix} {digits}". E.g: ADev V-Jan22-00025
  5. There are some limits to the number of characters:
    1. Credit Card (maximum of 18 characters)
    2. Direct Debit (maximum of 13 characters)
  6. Click Save to update. All payments processed through PencilPay from the time you Save these settings will show with the newly updated descriptor.