1. PencilPay Help Center
  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

How to approve a customer?

After a customer has completed their account application with you, Pencil will send you an email notification with a link to click and review that customer's account application.

If you miss the email you can follow these steps:

  1. Log into your PencilPay account.
  2. This will take you to the Dashboard. On the Dashboard you will see a tile called "Credit Forms Waiting Approval". Click on the button "Review & Approve Credit Forms".
  3. You will be redirected to the Customers page.
  4. In the Customers page you can use the search to find your customer.
  5. Once you have your customer, you can click on the (...) More Actions -> then click on the "Approve" button and then "Confirm" to approve. 
  6. Once you have approved the customer PencilPay will push the customer data to your accounting and inventory software (if integrated).
  7. If you don't want to approve the customer you can click on the "Reject or Change" button.
  8. Here you can change the:
    1. New Trading Term
    2. New Credit Limit
  9. And then click "Approve New Credit Limit" or "Confirm Rejection".