How to check and match all transaction in Xero to the Pencil Clearing Account

This article provides the step by step instructions to check and match all Pencil transactions in your Xero Pencil Clearing Account


  1. Log into your Xero account and go to: Accounting -> Account Transactions.
  2. Select the Pencil Clearing Account and Date Range.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Then in the bottom right click “Export” -> Excel, export and save the file to your computer.
  5. Open the file in Excel.
  6. Delete rows 6, 7 and 8.
  7. Then delete rows 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  8. You will now have the header in row 1 starting with Date. In column G, remove the space between “Running Balance” so it shows as “RunningBalance”.
  9. At the end of your data, delete rows from “Total Pencil Clearing Account” to “Total”
  10. Save as a .CSV file with a new name.
  11. Then on the left tile click Browse, select this new file and click “Submit”.
  12. Pencil will send you an email once the data has been matched and send you a report.
  13. Open the report and check columns J, K and L. If there are any unmatched and unbalanced transactions they will show with a note in column L.
  14. Then log into Pencil and go to Disbursements -> Match Transactions.
  15. Import the CSV file that you just exported and updated from Xero for the Pencil Clearing Account.
  16. The system will run in the background and go check and match all transactions. Once the system has finished you will receive an email notification with a link to click on to download the report (please note you'll need to be logged into Pencil with the same email address you received the match transactions report).
  17. Notes:
    1. If there are refunds or chargebacks these transactions currently don't match. Please notify us at and send your matched file to review.
    2. If you have manually added transactions to the Pencil Clearing Account these also won't match. You'll need to reassign these transactions to the correct account or we can review the data and you may need to delete the manual transaction(s) and Pencil will re-push the reconciliation data for that transaction(s) as needed.
    3. We recommend running this report monthly or quarterly. You can run annually, however, the time it takes to review 10s of thousands of transaction line items can be a little excessive.