You may encounter a scenario when your customer tells you they have updated their payment method, but you are not sure. You can check this in Pencil by following the steps below:
There's a couple of ways to check if a customer has updated their saved payment method:
- If the customer updates their direct debit authority you will be sent an email notification about this (your customer also) so you know it has been updated. To check this you can do it one of two ways:
You can check the emails sent in either Pencil → Email Messages → search for “Direct Debit Authority Updated” and then check for the specific customer’s email address or search for their email address.
In Pencil -> Customers -> find your customer and click on the Emails icon to see all the emails sent to that customer.
2. If the failed payment count is reached, when you go to Customers -> (...) More Actions -> you will see towards the bottom of the popup "Reset Failed Payment Attempts".
If the customer has updated their credit card or direct debit this menu option will not be visible so you know that it has been updated (this is the same for both credit card and direct debit).
In Pencil, go to Customers
Under Actions, click on the three dots (...) More Actions → then look towards the bottom of the popup to see if the "Reset Failed Payment Attempts" is showing.
If it is showing, you know the customer has not updated their saved payment method yet. If you don't see the "Reset Failed Payment Attempts" popup you know the customer has already updated their payment method.