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  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

How to set the payment term and credit limit for your customer

To set the payment term and credit limit for your customer you can follow the steps below or watch the video:

  1. Log into app.pencilpay.com with your Pencil login.
  2. Go to Customers.
  3. Search for your customer.
  4. Under "Actions" click on the "More Actions" and select "Send On-boarding Email".
  5. Select an existing user or enter a new email address.
  6. Then toggle ON "Set Trading Term" and select the required payment term and credit limit.
  7. If required, you can set the Payment Method and also Edit Email Content by toggling these two sections and selecting as required.
  8. Click "Send" to send to the customer.
  9. The customer will receive an email with the details above pre-selected.