Match Transaction Errors and their definition

When you use the match transaction feature in Pencilpay, you may encounter certain errors. Here's a list you can use for your reference:

Match Transaction Error Messages Definition
Reference not found The reference of the transaction is empty.
Transaction not found Pencil does not find a match transaction in its database

This transaction failed. Please contact PencilPay support. 

The transaction failed.
Pending disbursement The transaction is pending disbursement.
Missing data The related data of the transaction is missing.
Missing module object data The active record of the transaction is missing.
Missing items data

The items of this batch transaction are not fully saved.

There is un-synced data There is un-synced data to the integrated accounting or inventory system.
*For any other messages not listed in this table They are exceptions which Pencil does not know how to handle them yet.

If you encounter any other messages that are not included in the list above, take a screenshot of the error and contact for further assistance.