1. PencilPay Help Center
  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

What do I do if a customer forwards the on boarding email on to someone else?

This article provides the steps you can take to handle when a customer forwards the on boarding email to someone else and when they sign in with Pencil there is no credit form linked to that new user's email.

You may encounter a situation where a client or customer tries to complete the application on PencilPay, however they got an error stating that they do not have the authority to complete the application. In this case, you can follow the steps in this article to resolve the problem.

Here is a screenshot of the error message:


  1. Login details to your Pencil account.
  2. The new user's email address, first name and last name.

Please follow these steps to assign the new user's email to your customer's credit form so that the new user can complete the on boarding process.

  1. Log into app.pencilpay.com.
  2. Go to Customers and search for your customer.
  3. Under "Actions" click on the (...) More Actions and select "Edit"
  4. Click Next to Step 2 (Authority) and update the First Name, Last Name and Email address to the new users who is completing the credit form.
  5. Click "Save".
  6. Now ask the customer to refresh their page and go to the "Suppliers" menu (if they are not already there).
  7. They will now see their credit form and can click on the "Edit" icon under Actions and continue to complete the credit form.
  8. Alternatively, instead of the customer logging in and following step 7 above, you can re-send the email to the customer and they can click on the link, log in and then continue the account application.