Where do I find how a customer has paid a Quote/Order/invoice in Pencil

You may have a customer who has paid a Quote/Order/Invoice and the customer hasn't signed up to Pencil yet. You are looking for how the customer has paid the invoice as they may not be signed up in Pencil yet with a saved payment method.

  1. For payments from Xero, QuickBooks, MYOB, MYOB Advanced and NetSuite you go to: Invoices → search for the invoice number → scroll to the far right column and look for “Payment Source” (you may also what to know what payment method was used to pay the invoice, which you can see under the column to the left called “Payment Method”).

    1. If the invoice in Pencil → Invoices is Unpaid, then the most likely reason is the invoice was paid via Cin7 (DEAR Systems) and the payment hasn’t synced to Xero yet, therefore it hasn’t updated the invoice as Paid in Pencil.
    2. So next you will go check Sales Orders in Pencil for the invoice in (2.) below.
  2. For Payments from Cin7 (DEAR Systems) you go to: Sales Orders → filter by the Supplier and search for the invoice number → scroll to the near far right column and look for “Payment Source”. You can also check the “Credit Form Status” column to see what it says:
    1. Draft = the customer hasn’t signed up

    2. Credit Form Approved = the customer has signed up with a payment method and has been approved.

  3. Once you find the payment source you can work out the next steps as follows:
    1. Pencil → Invoices:
      1. Auto-charge: the invoice was charged automatically by Pencil.

      2. Manual Charge: the invoice was manually charged by clicking on the "Charge" button in Invoices.

      3. Xero: the customer clicked on the Pay Now button in Xero and paid the invoice themselves.

      4. Bill Pay: the customer logged into their Pencil account and when to Bills and then clicked Pay to pay one of their Bills.

      5. Bulk Bill Pay: the customer logged into their Pencil account and when to Bills and then selected multiple Bills to pay.

      6. Email Pay: the customer clicked on an overdue invoice reminder and paid one overdue invoice.

      7. Bulk Email Pay: the customer clicked on an overdue invoice reminder and paid multiple overdue invoices.

      8. Pencil Payment Service: this invoice was paid via Cin7 (DEAR Systems).
    2. Pencil → Sales Orders:

      1. Cin7 Core Payment Link: this means the customer clicked the link in the Quote/Sale/Invoice PDF to make the payment.

      2. Manual Charge: this means the Quote/Order/Invoice was paid manually by going to (…) More Actions → Charge → and manually processed the payment for the customer.