How to troubleshoot when auto-charge is not working?

You may encounter different scenarios when auto-charge didn't charge. There could be several reasons for this.

Sample Scenario:

There are three invoices that were sent but did not auto-charge. The customer settings in Pencil for the three customers are:

  • Auto-charge Invoices with Saved Payment Method Toggled ON - On the due date
  • Enabled for charging on weekend turned OFF
  • Enabled for same day payment turned ON

Things to check in Pencil

1. Check Date Imported

2. Check Invoice Due Date

3. Check Settings → Invoices & Collections → Check auto-charge time

4. Check "Enable for charging on the weekend" is Toggled OFF in Customer Settings (Pencil → Customers → Under Actions, click on (...) More Actions → Customer Settings → toggle OFF Enable charging on the weekend"

Check this sample scenario for these three sample invoices:

  • INV-XX00 (Customer A) → imported on 11/08/2024 at 17:17:52 → invoice is due on 11/06/2024

  • INV-XXX3 (Customer B) → imported on 11/08/2024 at 17:17:48 → invoice is due on 11/06/2024

  • INV-XXX6 (Customer C) → imported on 11/08/2024 at 17:17:49 → invoice is due on 11/06/2024

When we check in Settings → Invoices & Collections → the auto-charge time is set to 09:30am and "Enabled for charging on the weekend" is turned OFF.

In this sample scenario, as these invoices were imported in Pencil at 5:17pm and the auto-charge runs at 9:30am and the due dates are in the past; these invoices won't auto-charge until the next day.

However, as the next day for this sample scenario is Saturday and "Enabled for charging on the weekend" is turned OFF, the next auto-charge time will be 9:30am on Monday.

In this scenario, you can wait until around 9:40am on Monday to check these invoices are auto-charged (the queue starts running at 9:30am and it can take a few minutes or so depending how many invoices to complete processing all invoices).

**Important note regarding Time Zone:

If you go to Pencil → Profile → Company Details → you can update the "* Time Zone"

or click here: