Why is my invoice from Cin7 not showing in Pencil?

You may encounter a scenario when you are not able to find the invoice from Cin7 in Pencil.

For reference, all Cin7 Quotes/Orders/Invoices are located in Pencil -> Sales Orders.

If you don't see it there you can use the Sync button in the top right corner of the Sales Order page.

Once the invoice is synced, you will see it in Pencil -> Sales Orders. If you have already done the manual sync and you still don't see the invoice; wait 10-30 minutes as it may still be in syncing queue waiting to be processed and reindexed.

We manage all payments related to Cin7 Quotes/Orders/Invoices directly from the Pencil -> Sales Orders page.

Once the invoice has synced from Cin7 to Xero, you will then be able to find the invoice in Pencil -> Invoices.