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  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

How to update a payment term of a credit form?

You will find that you will now be able to update the payment term of the any credit form in Draft Status.

You can now update the payment term of a credit form by using “More Actions → Edit” feature.

*Important Note: Credit form should be in "Draft" Status for this feature to show under More Actions (...) -> Mark as Draft.  

What if the customer is NOT in Draft Status? 

For this case you first need to put the Credit Form Approved customer back to Draft, then the Edit function is available. You can follow the steps in this article How to change a customer back to Draft status?

To update a payment term of a credit form, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Pencil.

  2. Go to Customers

  3. Search for your customer

  4. Click on More Actions (...)

  5. From the drop-down Select "Edit"

  6. Go to Step 3 "Payment Terms" Drop-down List and select the Payment Term you want to edit