1. PencilPay Help Center
  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

How to Update your customer's credit limit in Pencilpay?

There are three ways to update your customer's credit limit. The way you do it will depend on your legal requirements to have your customer sign a new agreement at the new credit limit or payment term.

If you require a new contract, either the customer to request the new credit limit and/or payment term following these steps: https://support.pencilpay.com/knowledge/how-to-request-an-update-to-your-payment-terms-and-credit-limit

Or you can set the customer back to Draft and select the new credit limit and/or payment term (as this may require additional information) by following the below steps:

  1. Log in to Pencil.

  2. Go to Customers -> Search for your customer

    3. Go to More Actions (...) -> Mark as Draft

4. After you Mark as Draft your customer, you then Go to More Actions (...) again -> Click on Edit -> Edit the credit form and change the payment terms accordingly, resubmit the credit application form and then re-approve it.

Alternatively, you can update the credit limit manually in your accounting/inventory/ERP system and you can leave the Pencil contract as it is.