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  2. Credit Forms | Account Applications

What to do when a customer gets stuck or says they have completed their account application

Often customers are in a rush and want to get their first orders in and may not want to spend the few minutes to complete the account application through Pencil.

You may have customers who call you to say they have completed their account application and now want to order.

To check this, you can:

  1. Log into Pencil and go to Customers.
  2. Search for the customer.
  3. Click the (...) More Actions and then click "Review".
  4. Scroll down and see if all the information is competed.
  5. If there are no Director/Authorised Representative details you know they haven't made it past Step 2.
  6. If there are no addresses, delivery details and accounts person details you know they haven't made it past step 3.
  7. If there is no payment method added you know they haven't made it past step 4.
  8. If you require directors that will be shown under the directors list section and if a personal guarantor is required and is missing it will show down towards the bottom of the page. If it is not there and is required they haven't completed it.
  9. If everything is there (including signature and all other information) and the Status is Draft you know they have completed it but then edited or started again. In this case they can log in, go to Suppliers -> click (...) More Actions -> Edit -> and complete all the steps and submit again.
  10. If a customer says they never received any email notifications you can check this in two ways:
    1. Go to Customers -> search for the customer and click the Emails icon to view all the emails that have been sent via the Pencil platform to this customer contact. Here you can see if the customer has viewed/clicked on an email and if the email was delivered or not.
    2. Go to "Email Messages" -> and search for the customer's email. Here you can see when the email was created, sent, last event (eg. viewed or clicked), how many Opens or Clicks the user has for that email.
  11. If the customer has forwarded the email on to someone else to complete, then you can follow this article here: https://support.pencilpay.com/knowledge/what-do-i-do-if-a-customer-forwards-the-on-boarding-email-on-to-someone-else.

See video below for the demo.